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Forageplus Winter Equine Balancer 5 kg
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Dette tilskuddet, som er lav på jern, er basert på hundrevis av foranalyser for å gi hesten din et best mulig tilskudd ved siden av grovfôret. Den inneholder bare de vanligvis mangelfulle mineralene som er nødvendig for å balansere grovfôret. Alle Forageplus Balancers kommer i pulverform, inneholder lite sukker og stivelse, inneholder ikke unødvendig fyllstoff og bare mineraler og vitaminer med høyeste renhet. Tilskuddet blandes enkelt i feks betfiber, mash, Lucerne eller hva du måtte ønske eller bruker til din hest. Hvis hesten din har en streng diett med redusert mengde med grovfôr er Winter Balancer perfekt, da den inneholder høye nivåer av E-vitamin, som er en sterk antioksidant, for å nøytralisere mot frie radikaler i kroppen.
Forageplus anbefaler fôring av ekstra mikronisert linfrø gjennom vintermånedene om hesten hovedsakelig får kun høy eller ensilasje gjennom vinterhalvåret. Dette vil sikre gode nivåer av essensielt fett omega 3 for å opprettholde og støtte hestens helse.
Dette produktet er spesielt nyttig for de som ikke kan ta fôrprøver for analyse eller de som ønsker å tilsette ytterligere produkter fra en base som ikke inneholder jern eller mangan, men gode nivåer av kobber, sink og magnesium. Mineralene som brukes er av høy kvalitet for å unngå forurensning av tungmetaller samt at de har godt opptak.
Forageplus Winter Equine Balancer matcher næringsstoffer med fôret som en hest trenger. Tilførsel av riktige nivåer av næringsstoffer i fôr er viktig for å opprettholde og støtte:
- sunn hud
- sunne stråler
- sunn og skinnende pels
- robuste sener, ligamenter og ledd
- et sterkt immunforsvar
- sunn og sterk muskulatur
- et velgungerende nervesystem
- et sunt respirasjonssystem
- god fruktbarhet
- sterk beinmasse
- et velfungerende fordøyelsessystem
- sterk leverfunksjon
- sterke og sunne høver
- god vekst og utvikling hos unghester
Read here for info on our ultra low formulation (Her kan du lese om hvorfor tilskuddene til Forageplus er lave på jern.)
Oil 7.43%, Protein 16.73% and DE 6.98 MJ/kg (Please note these amounts are per Kg)
Each 100 grams contains:
28.89 grams of micronised linseed
10 grams lysine
5 grams phosphorous (mono-sodium phosphate)
12 grams magnesium (magnesium oxide)
400 mg copper (bioplex)
1200mg zinc (bioplex)
2mg iodine (calcium iodate)
1 mg selenium (yeast)
5 grams salt
2000 iu vitamin E oil
Be aware that the above analysis for 100 grams is equivalent to elemental values fed.
The volume feed rate (100 grams) is not the same as the elemental feed rate values (above). Therefore the above figures will not equal 100 grams.
Merk! På bakgrunn av norske grovforanalyser anbefaler vi at du gir 20 ml Forageplus Kalsium på 100 g Forageplus Winter Balancer om du ikke har grovforanalyse. Ta kontakt om du trenger hjelp med dosering eller lurer på noe.
200 – 400 kg horse 75 grams per day.
400 – 600 kg horse 100 grams per day.
600 – 700 kg horse 125 grams per day.
700 – 800 kg horse 150 grams per day.
A 50ml scoop contains approximately 45 grams.
Feeding a 400 -600kg horse this product should last you 50 days.
Winter Balancers er tilpasset gresset og høyet hesten din spiser for å støtte kløfri hud, sterke høver og sunne hester. De har lite sukker, lite jern og ikke noe unødvendig yllstoff. Gi vårt utvalg av ultralavt jern, Forage Focused ™ Winter Balancers for optimal vinterhelse, vekt og ytelse.
Vårt utvalg av Balancers starter med fôret hesten din spiser og er designet for å supplere og matche de vanlige manglene i gresset, høyet eller ensilasjen. Alle formlene våre er laget fra hundrevis av fôranalyser vi utfører. Våre Balancers er basert på vanlige mangler som er tilpasset statistisk analyse av vår enorme database med testing av gress, høy og ensilasje. Winter Balancers er anbefalt å gis fra Oktober til April. I Norge kan vi gi fra September til Mai, avhengig av hvor i landet vi bor. Den eneste forskjellen mellom sommer- og vinterversjonen er at Winter inneholder E-vitamin i tillegg. Noen velger å gi Winter gjennom hele året. Feks hvis hesten din ikke står på beite eller konkurrerer gjennom hele sommeren. Vinterbeite har lite eller ingen vitamin E, da dette vitaminet er veldig skjørt og ødelegges av kalde temperaturer. Selv om hesten din har tilgang til gress året rundt, bør du fortsatt bruke vinterversjonene fra oktober til april.
21 tilbakemeldinger for Winter Equine Balancer
5 out of 5
Natalie Lewis (verified owner) – February 8, 2021
I have been feeding ForagePlus balancer a to my mare for around 2 years now – both winter and summer according to time of year. She is gleaming and the absolute picture of health. When I got her she was a typical skinny TB with a scurfy coat and flakey hooves – these balances made all the difference and she now looks more quarter horse than race horse! I never have a problem with her eating her feed with either balancer in it and wouldn’t feed anything else.
5 out of 5
Linda O’Hare (verified owner) – December 31, 2020
Have had my very scruffy Fell pony on the Winter Balancer for a few months as his coat and mane were showing a lot of dry hair and brown colouring when I got him. He has recently gone for schooling and the owner of the yard sent me a photo of him in his stable the first night, his coat gleamed even though it was December and he had only had a quick flick over by me with brush. As a result of how well he looks and my recommendation both the yard owner and other liveries are now using Forageplus. I am really happy with how both my ponies (both Natives living out uncliped) look and work on a hay diet with a low cal chaff and Forageplus Winter balancer.
5 out of 5
Molly (verified owner) – December 14, 2020
I have 3 highland ponies all of who are fed winter balancer. One of the ponies is insulin resistant and therefore has no access to grazing ever. She is fed the balancer all year round and looks wonderful on it. Her coat is shiny and her feet are the best of all 3 ponies. I would highly recommend this balancer especially if you have poor or restricted grazing.
5 out of 5
Alex Kane (verified owner) – December 8, 2020
Have just started using this product and my pony’s coat is looking great! Just about to place another order
5 out of 5
Gail (verified owner) – November 17, 2020
Winter balancer was suggested by my instructor /yard manager & I’m so glad I went ahead. My boy is looking & feeling great, his coat is the best it’s ever been. He’s suffered with a bit of mud fever in the past but his heels are looking really good & the farrier says he’s hooves are growing really well. This is a great product & worth every penny, i look forward to using the summer one too.
5 out of 5
Hayley Barker (verified owner) – October 22, 2020
I bought this for my Welsh D due to him having tendon surgery and needing to be stabled for a couple of months with no access to pasture. He isn’t shod but has always struggled with white line separation and slow growing hooves. This balancer has been a game changer, coming back into work he is bright eyed and with a lovely shine to his coat, his hooves are growing well and his white line is now lovely and tight, no more picking small stones out of it!
I can’t lie I was dubious as he’s previously turned his nose up at other powdered balancers but with a slow introduction he ate this well from day one. This is a great balancer which we will be sticking to. -
5 out of 5
Molly (verified owner) – October 15, 2020
All 3 of my Highland ponies are on this balancer. One of them in particular is Insulin resistant so has no grass whatsoever. She is in amazing condition. I have been feeding this for a number of years and highly recommend it. It takes the worry out of ensuring that she has all the nutrients that she needs.
5 out of 5
lkwomchj63 (verified owner) – November 12, 2019
I have been using the winter balancer (in addition to the summer balancer) for a few years now and my horses have strong barefoot hooves that do lots of hacking out. They are healthy with beautiful coats and I don’t have problems with mud fever or thrush even in wet conditions. Thank you for these wonderful products. Keri x
5 out of 5
Anna KG – May 22, 2018
Great balanced product.
I love that Forageplus has actually taken heed of research and made a good mineral balancer. It fits my small driving pony very well :). -
5 out of 5
Rosie Harford – November 4, 2017
Almost through my first 5kg tub of Winter Balancer and another of Micronised Linseed. My horse’s coat is looking amazing and his (barefoot) feet are super healthy and robust. Will carry on buying. It is a great feeling when people are unable to believe that we got through Winter living out 24/7 in a very muddy field with absolutely NO hoof or skin issues either!
5 out of 5
Aperrott – February 21, 2017
I have used this balancer for two winters on two horses, both maintained their coats, skin and hooves beautifully!!
I have a lot to thank Forageplus for as my 18 year old horse looked a picture of health right up until the day I sadly lost her! I would strongly recommend Forageplus products to everyone! -
5 out of 5
ellerkincato – July 5, 2015
My supersensitive lad has been on this low iron balancer since January and this, combined with FP’s low iron magox, has made a noticeable improvement to both feet and tummy – happy in his general wellbeing. He is on restricted grazing in summer so will keep him on this all year. Thanks FP!
5 out of 5
rjwilkinson@live.co.uk – March 24, 2015
I’ve used this balancer for two winters now and it’s an excellent product. I have had no mud fever at all since starting using it despite the fact that we used to really struggle with it and had had no luck with a wide range of other products. My horse even lived out all winter this year for the first time ever and still no mud fever or thrush.
5 out of 5
Scarcar – February 27, 2015
Strong healthy hooves, a lovely glossy coat and no skin issues despite a horrible winter. My 18 year old is in fab condition. She was injured at the start of autumn and had 6 weeks of box rest, I think the balancer really supported her recovery and rehab period as well. Wish you did one for dogs!
5 out of 5
Jane Lloyd-Francis and Georges Dewez of Carreg Dressage – December 22, 2014
Capriole, our Lippizaner mare, is 30 this year and despite the huge gaps between her teeth she is doing well – mainly due to the support and products of Forageplus.
Capriole has just moved onto the Winter Balancer from the Summer balancer and has top quality Joint-Plus.
We are delighted with the results.
Capriole thanks Forage Plus for supported digestion and joints that creak less. I think we might try it ourselves! -
5 out of 5
dalhaikie – December 9, 2013
5 horses & ponies started on a balanced feed plan using the winter balancer in January. I use the winter balancer all year round because I use a paddock paradise system where hay is the predominant forage. Why oh why didn’t I do this sooner!! Warmblood now holding weight, hooves no longer cracked or showing incident lines, calmer horse, shiny coat! All ponies have shed their excess weight nice & gradually, seemingly without effort. After years of sweat & literally tears to get them to do so! Itchy skin settled, tender feet no longer so and, most glorious of all, new mane growth that is either luxurious for those whose growth was slow, and/or shiny black where previously it was frizzy, coarse & sun-bleached, tired looking. All so much more spritely, chill & altogether we smile! Thank you Forageplus.
5 out of 5
michellep – October 29, 2013
I’ve had my horse on this balancer for about three months now and not only is his hoof wall growing down at a tighter angle but the constant splitting and cracking of his hoof walls is pretty much a thing of the past. I’m also finding he’s less prone to infection in his feet and some skin irritations and scabs that wouldn’t shift have cleared up all by themselves. I really do recommend it!
5 out of 5
Natasharoot – September 23, 2013
Winter balancer has enabled me to keep my thoroughbred ex-race horse barefoot. Yes, a barefoot thoroughbred!! He looks fantastic. Lovely coat and great healthy hooves. He also loves the taste and licks his feed bowl clean every time. Thank you very much!
5 out of 5
Nina13 – August 29, 2013
I started my black Welsh Section D on this last winter. She had a really sparse coat the previous year which had gone an odd colour, tinged with ginger. The difference was amazing, she was very shiny and properly ‘black’
5 out of 5
mousey1 – August 28, 2013
This product has changed my life! and my horse’s lives!
After some short sharp learning after my pony foundering and seemingly becoming IR I finally gave in and bought this product to nutritionally support and maintain his health.
I wish I had done this two years ago when the problems peaked. Now 6 months on and we have 1/2 a tight hoof capsule and things are looking much better and the management of their weight and metabolism much easier.
Coupled with this is their coat colour which is much deeper. The balancer is also supporting health WITHOUT head-shaking 80% of the time!!! phenomenal – this horse head shook on his own in the field and wouldn’t eat some-days it was so bad. He still gets an itchy upper lip and has some…erm….behavioural head-shaking and the true but useful head-shaking as a barometer on hot days when it is about to rain but I have a NEW improved version of the horse I loved before. Its truly phenomenal and unexpected!I am learning everyday the changes supporting nutritional health is causing and seeing as this is the only change (as I already fixed restricting grass, movement, trim and ad lib soaked hay) it is truly amazing!!!
Thanks Sarah xx
5 out of 5
brucea – August 16, 2013
We’ve had our little laminitic and PPID driving pony on the Winter Balancer for most of the summer. Bramble had a severe episode of laminitis in the spring, despite great care with his diet and a grass free environment. He was also struggling with RAO which was severe enough to need nebulising at least twice a day. It wasn’t looking good for him. His ACTH levels were tested high and Prascend has made a big difference to him, and surprisingly made a very big difference to the manageability of the RAO.
The addition of the Winter Balancer has been part of the big picture for him, supporting his optimum nutritional health.
Winter Balancer has also helped with the inappetence problem, once we started to get him to eat it of course, but he has gone from leaving his bucket to polishing off a good size bucket twice a day and we are seeing his condition improving and he is putting healthy condition back on. After his initial reluctance to try it, he seems to like the “tang” of the minerals in his feed!
Winter Equine Balancer has definitely been one of the pieces in the jigsaw of nutritionally supporting this pony while getting back to better health. We had been feeding minerals for over a year, but the mix from Forageplus seems to be more effective than the self assembled mix I was using – and Sarah has done all the hard sums for me :-).